OpenUtilities Substation Help

Life Cycle Manager Settings

The Life Cycle Manager Settings let you configure settings for Work Orders and Custom text attributes.

Accessed from:

Work Order Settings

Enable third party application Checking this value enables integration with your organizations own work order management system and tells OpenUtilities Substation to make use of the data exchange database and table that you specifiy in the Database Name and Mapping table. (See below)
Note: This option needs to be checked to enable the other settings in this section.
Application name Enter the name of your organization's work order management system (i.e. SAP). The software will use this name when displaying specific warning messages that might occur when using this integration.
Use active project database server connection Enable this option to use the current project database server. When using this database you will need to setup a data exchange table (such as the default SubstationDataExchange table) to migrate your work orders from your work order management system. A unique script (developed possibly by the project administrator) needs to be executed to migrate the work orders from the SAP database to this table.
Use other database server connection If you have existing work order stored on another database server, then enable this option. This will enable the Connect to Server button which will let you select the database server where the work orders are located.
Database Name This is the name of a SQL server database that will be used to exchange work order records between your organization’s work order management system such as SAP and OpenUtilities Substation . It acts as an intermediary database between the two systems.
Mapping Table This is the name of the table you wish to export your organization's work order records to. This would be a table inside of the SQL Server Database that you defined in the <DatabaseName> parameter above.
Mapping data You can define any fields you desire in your <Mapping Table> for storing Work Orders and then map these fields the fields in the project database's LCM_WorkOrder table. This determines what fields appear in the Work Order Manager and the New Work Order dialog.
  • Database Field: This is the field name in the project database's LCM_WorkOrder table.
  • Prompt: The name that will appear in the Work Order Manager.
  • Import Table Field: This is a field name from the <Mapping Table> that you want to map to the field specified in the Name parameter above.

The attributes are utilized in the Work Order Manager as shown below:

Custom Attributes

This section defines attributes which can be assigned to symbols/wires in a drawing through the Properties Control.

Symbol Attribute Name Select the name of the attribute you want to assign to a symbol.
Prompt Enter the text you want to see appear in the Properties Control for the Symbol Text Attribute field.
Control Type This defines how the value for the attribute is to be defined:
  • PICKLIST: Define a picklist of choices that you can select from in the Properties Control.
  • TEXTBOX: Define a text field that would require you to type in a value for in the Properties Control.
  • COMBOBOX: A combination of the Picklist and Textbox where the user can either select from a defined picklist of values or enter a value into the text field in the Properties Control.
    Note: Picklist values are defined in the Attribute values section.
Wire Property Name Like the Symbol Attribute Name, select an attribute you want to assign to a wire.
Wire Property Prompt Enter the text you want to see appear in the Properties Control for the Wire Property Name.
Attribute Values If you defined an attribute as a PICKLIST then the Attribute Values section is used to define the specific entries you want to have appear in the picklist for the attribute.
  • Value Name: Enter an attribute value name for the entry that you want to appear in the picklist.
  • Value Prompt: Enter the text you want to appear in the picklist for the specified attribute.

The attribute values are available in the Properties Control dialog as shown below: